
Join Sheila Whytock and guests as they discuss a wide range of topics, including the science behind Deep Geological Repositories around the world, the Nuclear Waste Management Organization, nuclear energy, safety, local issues, and much more.

This podcast is available on the Apple and Google podcast platforms, as well as Spotify.



NWMO to resume borehole drilling

The drilling activities are part of scientific studies the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) is doing to evaluate the geology of the two potential siting areas for a deep geological repository for Canada’s used nuclear fuel.

Willing to Listen launches podcast

The Willing to Listen – South Bruce Proud group has launched an informative podcast. Join Sheila Whytock and special guests as they discuss a wide range of topics, including the science behind Deep Geological Repositories, the NWMO, nuclear energy, safety, local issues, and much more.

Waterwalkers journey to site of proposed DGR

Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON) Grandmothers and community members embarked on a three day ceremonial Waterwalk to the proposed site of a high-level nuclear waste deep geologic repository (DGR).

CNSC staff speaks about radiation, health at South Bruce CLC

The CNSC staff members began with an overview of their respective roles, and highlighted their mandate to “regulate the use of nuclear energy and materials, implement Canada’s international commitments on peaceful use of nuclear energy, and disseminate objective, scientific, technical and, regulatory information.”

It’s time for the residents of South Bruce to get real

The anti-DGR group happily sneers at any industry that isn’t agriculture – like power generation, industrial laundry, or mining – on their heavily-moderated Facebook page, without acknowledging how intimately interwoven seemingly-separate industries really are.

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